Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 11:30 AM at Minnetrista
$14 admission (includes lunch and program)
Business Sponsor: Kathy Planton, 31 Gifts
Reservations due Friday, February 11, 2011 by noon
Guest Speaker: Janice Replogle
In 2006 after 21 years Janice Replogle retired from Ball State University as Director Emeritus of Undergraduate Programs in the Miller College of Business. Janice holds B. A. and M. A. degrees in History and French from Northern Illinois University. She also holds Social Work Certification and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. Janice’s work in the nonprofit sector dates back to her time in Pittsburgh where she was a School Social Worker. Once in Muncie, Janice served on various boards of directors and worked with the resource center advisory committee of the United Way that led to its transformation as the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network. She became a member of the Board of Directors of the United Way of Muncie and Delaware County and President of the Board in 1999-2000. Upon leaving the Delaware County United Way Board of Directors, Janice became a member of the Board of the Indiana Association of United Ways. She is a past president of the IaUW Board. Since her retirement, Janice has been working with the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network consulting with nonprofits to enable them to be more effective and efficient as they work within their communities.